5 Ways to Make Your Business More Efficient (With Funnels)
Onboarding/offboarding new customers is quite the process, amirite? If you’re anything like me, you’re anxious to start providing the services they need, and the process of getting them in the door is tortuous. Here are the types of information you can share via funnel will save you mega time!
• How I work
• Information forms or quizzes
• Resources and their portal information
• Service delivery (for digital products)
• Appointment setting
• What’s next (for offboarding)
• Testimonial requests
Guys, it took me an embarrassingly long time to automate my invoicing and payment processes. But setting that up honestly helped me in a couple of ways. First, it took the nervousness that I felt every month out of the equation. I just know that on a certain date, invoices (or reminders for unpaid balances that are overdue) will go out. Secondly, it legitimately gives me a few hours back every month. Here are some billing funnels to think about:
• Monthly payment/subscription invoices (note: even sending this on the same date every month shows a level of professionalism)
• Late/overdue notices
• Service disruption notice
• Annual subscription renewal reminder
• Billing receipt
One of the hardest things about being a professional is understanding how to educate people in a way that matters to them and that they can absorb in a particular time frame. For example, I went to an appointment with my tax professional one time, and they told me all of the filings I needed to do every quarter. And I was immediately overwhelmed and promptly forgot literally everything they told me. What would have been helpful was a custom email sequence about a month before due date that explained what was due and where to find the information to file it.
Here are some awesome training sequences you can set up:
- Scheduled processes and due dates (see above example)
- Updates or changes that come throughout the year
- Getting the most out of your engagement [X] months in
- Check-in emails to make sure your clients are using your services
- Monthly training and office hour reminders for clients
Guys, it took me an embarrassingly long time to automate my invoicing and payment processes. But setting that up honestly helped me in a couple of ways. First, it took the nervousness that I felt every month out of the equation. I just know that on a certain date, invoices (or reminders for unpaid balances that are overdue) will go out. Secondly, it legitimately gives me a few hours back every month. Here are some billing funnels to think about:
• Monthly payment/subscription invoices (note: even sending this on the same date every month shows a level of professionalism)
• Late/overdue notices
• Service disruption notice
• Annual subscription renewal reminder
• Billing receipt
Raise your hand if you want to get rid of churn! Touching base periodically is a great way to reduce customer turnover. There are a couple of ways we’ve already addressed this in previous funnels, but it can also be set up as a basic “How’s it going?” funnel as a standalone. Here are some ‘zamples!
- Executive reports
- Reminders about items due on a cyclical basis
- “What do you need from us?” funnels to ensure clients are getting the support they need
- Important upcoming dates, events and training
- Referral requests
As you can see, there are approximately one bajillion ways a funnel can help you make your business more efficient. Do a little more work on the front end, and it can save you tons of time, lost customers and opportunities for increased revenue in the long run. BUT if you’re wondering how to get these benefits for your business without losing your mind, I can help.
Click below to start the process so we can help you turn the dial up on efficiency!