
what should we post on client social media?

If you’re constantly wondering “what should we post?” on client social media, you’re asking the wrong question.  It’s a real story for a lot of my clients. Tell me if this sounds familiar:

  • Your team walks in the door and stands around asking what to post about on client social.
  • Before they can come up with something, a seemingly more important task (read: easier to complete) comes up, and everyone is distracted with another part of the business.
  • No one actually winds up posting to social for that day OR they post at night after a full day of creative work while exhausted and running on fumes.

Does this sound like you?

If so, don’t worry, you’re not alone. I see this quite frequently with marketing agencies. Posting is inconsistent and ineffective and becomes an emergency when a new piece of content comes up or there’s an event. 

Here’s something you should know up front: this is not the root of the problem. It’s a symptom.

It’s just a sign of a bigger overall issue that needs to be addressed. And that issue is not having a…  

Fully vetted plan

One of the best ways to avoid I-don’t-know-what-to-post-about-itis is to have a rock solid social media strategy that:

  • Aligns with the rest of your marketing strategy
  • Reinforces the messaging and outcomes of business goals
  • Provides viewers with the type of information your readers will need to make a decision about your clients

Your social media strategy should answer these four questions: 

1. Who is the target market?
Who are we posting about and what do they want to see?

 2. What is the content mix that makes the most sense?
What is the right combination of content that works for your target markets? 

3. How often should we post?
What cadence makes the most sense for the level of information we want to share?

4. How can we align our social content with the other marketing?
What is the best way to integrate the organic social media with the rest of the marketing efforts to keep everyone rowing in the same direction.

It’s time to invest where it counts. 

A small investment now can save your team hours of back and forth when it really counts! If you’ve got this, rock on my dudes. 

If you think it sounds great, but you truly don’t have the resources to make it happen, do I have some good news for you?!? Our team is rocking and rolling with social media calendars for 2024 and we have just enough time to slide yours in. 

Start here!

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