
3 signs your business is ready for a funnel

Owning a business is confusion city. You’re making so many decisions every day, working hard to service your customers and take care of administrative details. And just as you’ve spent another 12-hour day chained to your desk, you realize it’s time to work on business development, marketing and outreach that always seems to fall to the bottom of the to-do list. Sound familiar?

This miggggght just mean you’re ready for a marketing funnel. Let’s take a couple of minutes to  figure out if Funneltown is your next destination. Let’s DO this!

1. you need more revenue

You didn’t go into business to live paycheck to paycheck, right? That’s the way it feels sometimes, though. You pay yourself last, after employees and client resources, and it sucks. Trust me, I know.

Do any (or all) of these apply to you?

  • You don’t have the time you truly need to invest in business development and sales.
  • You can’t nurture your clients like you wish you could because you just don’t have time to build out email sequences.
  • You keep settling for smaller clients because it’s all the time you have to invest in sales and can’t put the energy into automating the process to get the business you need.

2. you can’t seem to scale

One of the things I hear from clients all the time is “I’m comfortable with clients right now.”

That’s music to my ears, because the time to strike is when the iron is hot, amirite? Think about it this way: if your business is running smoothly and effectively, it’s a good time to think about refilling that pipeline, selling deeper into your current customer base or prepping for your next busy season.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You are comfortable with your current client base, but you have a cyclical sales process that’s related to seasons, life events or other external factors that needs nurturing.
  • You could be selling deeper to current customers or reselling to them after time periods.
  •  You have good clients and they’re paying you well, but you could address additional target markets for the opportunity to scale and/or find new business.

One of the things I hear from clients all the time is “I’m comfortable with clients right now.”

That’s music to my ears, because the time to strike is when the iron is hot, amirite? Think about it this way: if your business is running smoothly and effectively, it’s a good time to think about refilling that pipeline, selling deeper into your current customer base or prepping for your next busy season.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You are comfortable with your current client base, but you have a cyclical sales process that’s related to seasons, life events or other external factors that needs nurturing.
  • You could be selling deeper to current customers or reselling to them after time periods.
  •  You have good clients and they’re paying you well, but you could address additional target markets for the opportunity to scale and/or find new business.

3. you can’t get ahead 

Look, it’s hard enough just staying afloat with serving clients, managing your team, handling the endless decisions that fall on a business owner’s shoulders, and you know, LIVING YOUR LIFE. So if it always seems like you’re putting off building funnel work and then getting up against a wall with finding new business, it’s time to think about a funnel.

Do any of these options ring a bell for you?


  • You know you need to be planning ahead, creating a buffer for slow times, but you just don’t have the bandwidth for one more thing.
  • You have a little time you could devote to building a funnel, but you def don’t have the time to also LEARN how to build effective funnels and also create all of the content, do the testing, proof copy, test different versions and fix any leaks as they come.
  • You could do all of the funnel work in theory, but it would take away from other things you just want to do more, like working on  your QBR (where are my Mike Michalowicz peeps?), with friends and family and just taking it easy.

did i hit a little close to home?

Good. These are difficult things to think about, but they’re ultimately going to make your business wildly successful and supportive of the life you want to build. To be honest, I don’t meet too many coaches, advisors or financial professionals who wouldn’t benefit from some basic funnels. And that’s exactly what I love to help them build (and manage). But it’s not right for everyone. And it’s also hard to look at just a few sentences and really understand if you’re in a good place for a funnel (or which funnel program is right for you).

My FREE funnel breakout session is a good option for anyone who thinks they might be ready for some funnels, but they’re just not sure.

I can help you:

1. Identify your top business goals

  1. Find funnels that can help you accomplish those goals

3. Determine if now is the right time for you to funnel yoself!

Click here to get started! 

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