7 Things I learned in 7 Years of Client Social Media

7 Things I learned in 7 Years of Client Social Media

7 Things I learned in 7 Years of Client Social Media EKM just turned 7! This has been such an amazing journey so far, and I seriously can’t wait to see what’s next! In the meantime, let’s pause to take some notes about the lessons I’ve learned (and mistakes I’ve made)...
5 New Years Resolutions for Client Social

5 New Years Resolutions for Client Social

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Client Social WHO ELSE LOVES THE NEW YEAR? It’s like a fresh sheet of paper, but for the whole year! It’s the perfect time to refresh your goals for the year, try new strategies, and update content types. Ready for a few ideas to put...
5 Things I Wish I Knew About Client Social Media

5 Things I Wish I Knew About Client Social Media

5 Things I Wish I Knew About Social Media Do you ever wish you could go back in time and give yourself the wisdom and knowledge you have right this second? There are definitely a few decisions I would do over, given the chance. But barring magical Deloreans or hot...
Social Media Playbook for Talent Acquisition

Social Media Playbook for Talent Acquisition

The Social Media Playbook for Talent Acquisition Now hiring. Help wanted. Taking applications. For the love of God, please work here! Is it just me, or is literally everyone on the planet hiring? I’ve personally brought on two new team members in the last six months,...
5 Best Practices for Client Social Media

5 Best Practices for Client Social Media

5 best practices for client social Social media marketing has changed a lot since I started working in this field about ten years ago. Back in the dark ages, video wasn’t available on most platforms, chat and messenger tools didn’t exist, and analytics were simple and...